Use Glue API authorization scopes

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This guide describes how to add scopes to the resource and custom route for the storefront API and backend API applications.

Let’s say you have a module named ModuleRestApi with GET and POST methods, where you want to add scopes. To add scopes, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a resource for the storefront API application and a route for the backend API application.

  2. To implement ScopeDefinitionPluginInterface and set up the scopes, adjust ModuleResource:



namespace Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Plugin;

use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\Plugin\GlueApplication\AbstractResourcePlugin;
use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceInterface;
use Spryker\Glue\OauthExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ScopeDefinitionPluginInterface;

class ModuleResource extends AbstractResourcePlugin implements ResourceInterface, ScopeDefinitionPluginInterface
    public function getScopes(): array
        return [
            'get' => 'storefront:module:read',
            'post' => 'storefront:module:write',
  1. To implement ScopeRouteProviderPluginInterface and set up the scopes, adjust ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin:



namespace Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Plugin;

use Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Controller\ModuleBarController;
use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RouteProviderPluginInterface;
use Spryker\Glue\Kernel\Backend\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Glue\OauthExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ScopeRouteProviderPluginInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

class ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements RouteProviderPluginInterface, ScopeRouteProviderPluginInterface
    public function addRoutes(RouteCollection $routeCollection): RouteCollection
        $getRoute = (new Route('/module/bar'))
                '_controller' => [ModuleBarController::class, 'getCollectionAction'],
                '_resourceName' => 'moduleBar',
                '_method'=> 'get'

        $getRoute->addDefaults(['scope' => 'backend:modulebar:read']);

        $routeCollection->add('moduleBarGetCollection', $getRoute);

        return $routeCollection;
  1. Regenerate the scopes cache file:
vendor/bin/console oauth:scope-collection-file:generate
  • Ensure that when accessing or without an access token, you receive the 403 response with the message Unauthorized request.

  • Ensure that you can authenticate as a customer:

    1. Send the request:
    POST /token/ HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Length: 131
    1. Check that the output contains the 201 response with a valid token.
    2. Enter a valid access token to access
  • Ensure that you can authenticate as a user:

    1. Send the request:
    POST /token/ HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Length: 117
    1. Check that the output contains the 201 response with a valid token.
    2. Enter a valid access token to access