Spryker SDK settings

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Spryker SDK has three types of settings:

  • Shared
  • Local (private)
  • SDK

Shared settings

The shared setting is a project setting. Shared settings are generated at the project init step and placed in the .ssdk/setting file in the target project. As this type of settings is shared across the team, these settings are not in .gitignore.

Local (private) settings

The local setting is a project setting. Local settings are generated at the project init step and placed in the .ssdk/setting.local file in the target project. Local setting contains only private settings and should not be shared.

SDK settings

This is the SDK setting. SDK settings are generated at the SDK init step and exist in the database.

Settings inheritance

There are the following settings inheritance rules:

  • The SDK setting can be overwritten by the Shared or Local setting. That is, SDK -> Shared -> Local.