Install module structure and configuration

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Starting from version 1.0.0 the Install package has become a regular Spryker module, not a standalone tool as it used to be before version 1.0.0. This means that the Install module can be extended on the project level in the same way as any other module.

Install module structure

The Install module has some layers that are available in a regular core module: Business and Communication. It also includes the InstallConfig class.

Business layer

All of the models of the Install module reside in the Business layer. The Business layer facade consists of one method:

  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
  * @return void
public function runInstall(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void;

This method starts the installation process and expects Symfony’s console input and output objects as its arguments.

Communication layer

The Communication layer consists of just one console command - InstallConsole. The only thing it does is making the Business layer facade start the installation process. This command is triggered by the install script.


The fully extensible \Spryker\Zed\Install\InstallConfig class exposes two methods:

  1. ::getEnvironment(): for resolving the environment in which the installation is being run. Override this method with caution and only when needed.
  2. ::getLogFilePath(): for defining the path to the installation log file.

Running the install script

Installation is triggered by the install script. As before version 1.0.0 of the Install module, the install script accepts one argument - the name of the store, however, in version 1.0.0, you can override some environment variables while running the script. These variables include: APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_CODE_BUCKET, APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR, APPLICATION_SOURCE_DIR, APPLICATION_VENDOR_DIR, APPLICATION_STATIC_DIR. For example, to override APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR, one needs to run the install script like this:

APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR=./some_directory vendor/bin/install


All the code in the Install module can be extended as usual. You can override the facade, business factory, module configuration class and develop your own implementations for all the interfaces provided by this module.

There is one restriction related to extending the code of this module - you cannot use transfers for obvious reasons: transfers are generated during the installation process and are not available at its early stages.