Redis configuration

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In Spryker, Redis is used in two scenarios:

  • Key-value storage. Modules: Spryker.Storage, Spryker.Collector, and Spryker.Heartbeat.
  • Session data storage. Module: Spryker.Session.

Each scenario uses a separate set of configuration values.

Advanced configuration allows to use Redis in replication mode, including support for Redis Sentinel.

Standard configuration

Standard Redis client configuration uses the environment configuration values set under keys which are defined as constants in config/Shared/config_default.php. The standard environment configuration would look like this:

$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_REDIS_PROTOCOL] = 'tcp';
$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_REDIS_HOST] = '';
$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_REDIS_PORT] = '10009';
$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_REDIS_PASSWORD] = false;
$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_REDIS_DATABASE] = 0;

Advanced configuration for Redis key-value storage

To be able to use Redis replication, you need to define connection parameters using StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION value as key. Under this key, an array of DSN strings, which identify specific Redis nodes, should be set. In addition to configuration parameters, a set of configuration options has to be specified to enable Redis replication facilities. These options need to be stored under the StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_OPTIONS key.

Example (regular master-slave replication):


$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_OPTIONS] = [
    'replication' => true',

For this configuration, one of the Redis servers should be identified as master using the parameter alias.

Configuration setup for Redis Sentinel would look like this:


$config[StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_OPTIONS] = [
    'replication' => 'sentinel',
    'service' => 'mymaster',

The configuration under StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION is to be used exclusively, for example, no other storage configuration will be used for the Redis client. If the configuration parameters are not set under the StorageConstants::STORAGE_PREDIS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION key, the Redis client will fall back to the regular configuration described above.

Advanced configuration for Redis session storage

All the configuration concepts described above are relevant for configuring Redis as a session storage. Two things to be considered are the name of configuration constants and the fact that Yves and Zed sessions have separate storages with distinct configuration sets. Redis session configuration uses constants from \Spryker\Shared\Session\SessionConstants. Configuration for Yves session to use Redis Sentinel would look like this:


$config[SessionConstants::YVES_SESSION_PREDIS_CLIENT_OPTION] = [
    'replication' => 'sentinel',
    'service' => 'mymaster',

For Zed, it would look as follows:


$config[SessionConstants::ZED_SESSION_PREDIS_CLIENT_OPTION] = [
    'replication' => 'sentinel',
    'service' => 'mymaster',