Adding and using external libraries in Yves

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This document describes how to use external libraries in Yves with and without npm.

Adding and using external libraries using npm

Install a library and add it to dependencies:

npm i name-of-library

Now, you can use it in any component:


import Component from 'ShopUi/models/component';
import nameOfLibrary from 'name-of-library';

export default class NameOfYourComponent extends Component {
	protected connectedCallback(): void {

You can also import SCSS, CSS:


import 'name-of-library/path-to-the-styles/name-of-file.scss';

If you need to make sure that DOM is ready, use this instead of connectedCallback:


import Component from 'ShopUi/models/component';
import nameOfLibrary from 'name-of-library';

export default class NameOfYourComponent extends Component {
	protected mountCallback(): void {

Also, you can come across an old method readyCallback(), which is deprecated.

If the library does not export anything, you can import a module for its side effects only:


import Component from 'ShopUi/models/component';
import 'name-of-library/path-to-the-styles/name-of-file.js';

export default class NameOfYourComponent extends Component {
	protected mountCallback(): void {

If you need some images or fonts from a library separately, copy them to frontend/assets/images or frontend/assets/fonts and use them after that.

Adding and using external libraries without npm

If a library has source on CDN, use a molecule script-loader to load the library:


{% include molecule('script-loader') with {
	attributes: {
		src: 'https://url-to-the-lib/name-of-file.js',
} only %}

If you have just a source of the library, you need to add it into your component and use it by relative path:


import Component from 'ShopUi/models/component';
import nameOfLibrary from './name-of-library';

export default class NameOfYourComponent extends Component {
	protected connectedCallback(): void {