Development strategies

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Spryker OS exposes codebase projects, which enables a high level of customization and can satisfy the most complex project business requirements.

To get maximum from the Spryker OS codebase, atomic releases, leverage minimum efforts for the integration of the new features, and keep the system up to date, we recommend the following development strategies in the order provided:

  1. Configuration
  2. Plug and Play
  3. Project modules

The following table briefly describes all the available strategies and how they affect a project’s upgradability. For a full description of the strategies, see the following sections.

Configuration High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.
Plug and play High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.
Project modules High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.
Module customization Reduced, manual check is needed for every update.
Module replacement No support.

Configuration development strategy

Spryker provides an extensive configuration capability using DependencyProviders and Configuration.

Existing Spryker modules remain untouched.


To adjust Spryker behavior to the project needs, you can extend \Spryker\Zed\Product\ProductConfig on the project and adjust the number of products shown in the suggestion \Pyz\Zed\Product\ProductConfig::getFilteredProductsLimitDefault() to 20.


In your project, you don’t calculate a refundable amount inside Spryker OS, so you need to extend \Spryker\Zed\Calculation\CalculationDependencyProvider by \Pyz\Zed\Calculation\CalculationDependencyProvider and remove RefundableAmountCalculatorPlugin from the CalculationDependencyProvider::getQuoteCalculatorPluginStack() plugin stack.

Spryker OS support: High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.

Plug and play development strategy

When existing OOTB functionality is not enough, we need to consider building our Plugins for existing plugin stacks in separate Project modules.

The existing Spryker modules remain untouched.


In your project, you don’t store prices in Spryker OS, but in an external system. You need to create a new module SuperPrice with a new plugin \Pyz\Zed\SuperPrice\Communication\Plugin\Calculator\PriceCalculatorPlugin, which performs a call to my Super ERP and gathers prices. Once it’s done, you replace default \Spryker\Zed\Calculation\Communication\Plugin\Calculator\PriceCalculatorPlugin with my Project PriceCalculatorPlugin.

If an extension point is missing, you can send a request to your Spryker account manager, and we will add it in future.

Spryker OS support: High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.

Project modules development strategy

When the Spryker OS does not provide certain functionality, domain object, or concept, create a new Project module where you implement new business requirements.

The existing Spryker modules remain untouched.


In your project, you want to introduce product Label groups. In this case, you need to introduce a new project module ProductLabelGroup, which provides a new domain object ProductLabelGroup in a database (by adding product_label_group.schema.xml to the Persistence layer to Zed) and calls ProductLabelFacade::findLabelById() and ProductLabelFacade::findAllLabels() to manage the ProductLabel to ProductLabelGroup relations.

Spryker OS support: High, you can safely take minor and patch releases.

Module customization development strategy

When specific OOTB Spryker behavior doesn’t fit Project requirements, you can enable the full power of available for your codebase by extending existing business modules.

Let us know which extension point is missing, so we can add it in the core

If an extension point is missing, send a request to your Spryker account manager, and we will add it in future.

As it’s quite a substantial change, we need to go deeper and not only extend OOTB Spryker behaviors but also change them, some of the non-API changes become dangerous. That’s why a module constraint to a specific minor version is required (using ~ instead of ^).

Consider using the composition design pattern instead of the direct class extensions: it could increase development costs, but also increases vendor support and simplifies minor updates.


In your project, the Order entity must not be hydrated during the buying process (you are building a vitrine). In this case, you need to create \Pyz\Zed\Sales\Business\Order\OrderReader, which extends the existing \Spryker\Zed\Sales\Business\Order\OrderReader and replace the implementation of findOrderByIdSalesOrdermethod(), where you adjust the hydration calls.

Spryker OS support: Reduced, manual check is needed for every update.

Module replacement development strategy

When an existing Spryker module provides functionality that doesn’t fit the Project conceptually, there is a possibility to replace a Spryker module completely using the “composer replace” feature.

This option is not available for every module, as sometimes conceptual changes could lead to high development efforts.


In your project, the URL must be built in a completely different concept that Spryker offers. In this case, you need to create a project module URL, provide an implementation for every API function (Facade, Client, or Service) and replace OOTB module spryker/url with my-super-project/url. Spryker features based on URL use the project implementation to process URLs.

Spryker OS support: No support.