Upgrade to PHP 8.1

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PHP 8.1 is the minimum supported version for Demo Shops.

To upgrade PHP to 8.1, follow the steps:

  1. Update your modules manually in composer.json. Use the major lock ^ or the minor lock ~ if you have changes on the project level for respective module constraints.
spryker/cms-block-gui => 2.8.0
codeception/codeception => 4.1.24
codeception/lib-innerbrowser => 1.3.4
codeception/module-phpbrowser => 1.0.2
psalm/phar => 4.3.1
roave/better-reflection => 5.0.0
spryker-sdk/benchmark => 0.2.2
spryker-sdk/spryk => 0.3.4
spryker-sdk/spryk-gui => 0.2.2
  1. Change the PHP version in composer.json:

config.platform.php => 8.1.0

  1. Make sure there are no project-specific changes in the following repositories, and remove them from your composer.json:
"repositories": [
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": "https://github.com/spryker-sdk/lib-innerbrowser.git"
Project-specific changes

If you have project-specific changes in these repositories, consider either giving up the changes or copying them into the project code.

  1. Execute the following command:
composer update roave/better-reflection spryker-sdk/spryk
spryker-sdk/spryk-gui spryker/cms-block-gui spryker-sdk/benchmark
codeception/lib-innerbrowser codeception/module-phpbrowser psalm/phar
spryker-sdk/benchmark phpbench/phpbench jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs psalm/phar
  1. Run your end-to-end tests and make sure that the changes have not impacted your business functionalities.