Test helpers

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Spryker supports a number of test helpers to assist you in testing your project. This article provides details on the supported helpers.


Adds TwigApplicationPlugin to your test suite and offers methods to add the TwigPluginInterface and TwigLoaderPluginInterface plugin interfaces.


Adds EventDispatcherApplicationPlugin to your test suite and provides methods to create events.

Propel TransactionHelper

Propel TransactionHelper ensures that a connection to the database can be established. Additionally, this helper wraps each test in a transaction. This lets you test against the database without mocking the database away and rolling back after each test.

Testify helpers

Testify offers many useful helpers that are especially helpful when setting up the infrastructure for your tests.

Shared helpers

Shared helpers can be used for all application tests.


This helper lets you easily mock configurations and gives you access to ModuleConfig. To find out ModuleConfig of the current module under test, run the following:


Manipulating the configuration can be done with the following:

  • \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\ConfigHelper::mockEnvironmentConfig(): Mock an environment-specific configuration here.
  • \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\ConfigHelper::mockConfigMethod(): Mock a return value of the ModuleConfig method here.
  • \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\ConfigHelper::mockSharedConfigMethod: Mock a return value of a SharedModuleConfig here.


This helper lets you mock away the real filesystem.

This helper has the following methods:

  • \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\VirtualFilesystemHelper::getVirtualDirectory(): Returns a string that points to a virtual directory.
  • \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\VirtualFilesystemHelper::getVirtualDirectoryContents(): Returns the contents of the file in the virtual directory.

There are also some assert*() methods that you can use to make assertions for your tests.

Client helpers


When you have this helper, an in-memory search adapter is automatically used instead of the ones defined on the project side. This lets you synchronously work with Search—for example, when using it together with the Publish and Synchronization tests.

To use SearchClient with the in-memory search, you can either use the SearchHelper::getClient() method or $locator->search()->client().

This helper has the following methods:

  • assertSearchHasKey(): Use this method to validate that an entry with the given ID exists in Search.
  • assertSearchNotHasKey(): Use this method to validate that an entry with a given id does not exist in Search.
  • getClient(): Use this method to retrieve SearchClient that uses the in-memory search.
  • cleanupInMemorySearch(): Use this method to clean up the in-memory search.


When you have this helper, an in-memory storage plugin is automatically used instead of the ones defined on the project side. This lets you synchronously work with Storage—for example, when using it together with the Publish and Synchronization tests.

To use StorageClient with the in-memory search, you can either use the StorageHelper::getClient() method or $locator->storage()->client().

This helper has the following methods:

  • assertStorageHasKey(): Use this method to validate that entry with the given ID exists in Storage.
  • assertStorageNotHasKey(): Use this to validate that entry with the given ID does not exist in Storage.
  • getClient(): Use this method to retrieve SearchClient that uses the in-memory storage.
  • cleanupInMemoryStorage(): Use this method to clean up the in-memory storage.


When you have this helper, an in-memory queue adapter is automatically used instead of the ones defined on the project side. This lets you synchronously work with Queue—for example, when using it together with the Publish and Synchronization tests.

To use QueueClient with the in-memory search, you can either use the QueueHelper::getClient() method or $locator->queue()->client()

This helper has the following methods:

  • assertMessagesConsumedFromEventQueue(): Triggers QueueFacade::startTask(), which starts consuming messages from the given queue. This method also ensures that all messages consumed from the queue are either acknowledged, rejected, or errored. When something went wrong in the process, the helper informs about that.
  • assertQueueMessageCount(): Use this method to validate that at least the passed number of entries exists in the queue.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndSyncedToStorage(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedStorageKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Storage.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndUpdatedInStorage(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedStorageKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Storage.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndRemovedFromStorage(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedStorageKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Storage.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndSyncedToSearch(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedSearchKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Search.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndUpdatedInSearch(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedSearchKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Search.
  • assertMessagesConsumedFromQueueAndRemovedFromSearch(): Use this method to start the task for consuming the message from the queue. Optionally, you can pass $expectedSearchKeyThatShouldExist to also make an assertion on Search.
  • getClient(): Use this method to retrieve SearchClient that uses the in-memory queue.
  • cleanupInMemoryQueue(): Use this method to clean up the in-memory queue.

Zed helpers

You can use the Zed helpers only for testing the Zed application.


PublishAndSynchronizeHelper is a helper wrapper that simplifies the implementation of the Publish and Synchronization tests.

This helper has the following methods:

  • assertEntityIsPublished(): Use this method after an entity you want to test has been saved.
  • assertEntityCanBeManuallyPublished(): Use this method when you don’t use the events created by EventBehavior.
  • assertEntityIsSynchronizedToStorage(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.
  • assertEntityIsUpdatedInStorage(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.
  • assertEntityIsRemovedFromStorage(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.
  • assertEntityIsSynchronizedToSearch(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.
  • assertEntityIsUpdatedInSearch(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.
  • assertEntityIsRemovedFromSearch(): This method triggers the required QueueHelper methods for consuming messages and assertions.


This helper is useful for the Publish and Synchronization tests.

This helper has the following methods:

  • triggerRuntimeEvents()—After an entity has been changed, you need to publish its data using this method.
  • assertAtLeastOneEventBehaviorEntityChangeEntryExistsForEvent()—After the runtime events have been triggered, with this method, you can assert that at least one entry in the intermediate database table exists.


Lets you mock and access business layer classes like BusinessFactory inside a mocked facade. Example of usage:

$this->tester->mockFacadeMethod('reloadItems', function(){ return new QuoteTransfer()});
$this->tester->mockFactoryMethod('createQuoteReloader', function() { return ... });
$facade = $this->tester->getFacade();

Alternatively, you can pass this as a mock to another module using DependencyHelper.


Lets you mock and access communication layer classes like CommunicationFactory.


Lets you work with tables rendered on pages.

Yves Helpers

The Yves helpers can only be used for testing the Yves application.


Lets you mock and access the factory.


Lets you mock the dependencies of a module.

To enable this feature, in the config used to run tests, set \Spryker\Shared\Kernel\KernelConstants::ENABLE_CONTAINER_OVERRIDING to true. This is already implemented in config_ci.php in our Demo Shops.

Calling in your test $this->tester->setDependency(OmsDependencyProvider::FACADE_SALES, $salesFacadeMock); provides $salesFacadeMock whenever any model is created with a dependency to Sales facade.

Technically, in the Oms module, calling $this->getProvidedDependency(OmsDependencyProvider::FACADE_SALES) returns $salesFacadeMock.

Glue Helpers

The Glue helpers can only be used for testing the Glue application.


Lets you set dependencies to a module or mock existing ones.


Lets you mock factory methods and access the factory.


Lets you validate the response of API endpoints against the OpenApi3 schema.


Lets you navigate through the JSON response of the API endpoints.


Lets you send requests to the Glue API endpoints and validate response data.


Lets you send requests to the Glue Backend API endpoints that implement JSON API convention and validate response data.


Lets you create SimpleXMLElement based on the XML schema file and format the XML content.


Lets you create a table in the database and the \Propel\Generator\Model\Table object based on a database engine.


Lets you create Propel model files based on builders and tables.

Next step:

Enable a test helper.