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Datasources are responsible for providing data to the system based on a given configuration. This lets backend systems control where data is coming from without changing the frontend. For example, table data or select options.

Datasources are used in other components like Table, Select, Autocomplete.

        type: 'inline',
        data: ['Inline 1', 'Inline 2'],

Main service

The main module lets you register a datasource by key using the withDatasources() static method. It assigns the object of datasources toDatasourceTypesToken under the hood.

The main service injects all registered types from DatasourceTypesToken and DataTransformerService. For more details, see Data Transformers.

The resolve() method locates a specific service from DatasourceTypesToken based on the argument from config.type and returns an observable with data by Datasource.resolve(). If config.transform exists, data is also transformed by DataTransformerService.


Datasource is an Angular service that encapsulates the algorithm of how the data is loaded into a component.

Datasource must implement a specific Datasource interface and be registered to the Root Module via DatasourceModule.withDatasources().

// Module augmentation
import { DatasourceConfig } from '@spryker/datasource';

declare module '@spryker/datasource' {
    interface DatasourceRegistry {
        'custom': CustomDatasourceService;

export interface CustomDatasourceConfig extends DatasourceConfig {
    data: unknown;

// Service implementation
    providedIn: 'root',
export class CustomDatasourceService implements Datasource {
        injector: Injector,
        config: CustomDatasourceConfig,
        context?: unknown,
    ): Observable<unknown> {

    imports: [
            custom: CustomDatasourceService,
export class RootModule {}

The context within which Datasources operate is defined by the local injector where it’s being used.


Interfaces for the Datasource configuration and Datasource type:

export interface DatasourceConfig {
    type: DatasourceType;
    transform?: DataTransformerConfig;

    // Specific Datasource types may have custom props
    [k: string]: unknown;

export interface Datasource<D = unknown, C = unknown> {
        injector: Injector,
        config: DatasourceConfig,
        context?: C,
    ): Observable<D>;

Available Datasources

The following common Datasources are available in the UI components library as separate packages:

HTTP Allows fetching data from a URL configured in the configuration of the Datasource via HTTP. HTTP Datasource supports the caching strategy that can be configured via config and used before the request is made.
Inline—allows passing data along with the configuration of the Datasource.
Inline.table—allows passing transformed for the table format data along with the configuration of the Datasource.