Run the evaluator tool

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This document outlines the process of using the evaluator tool to verify if your project code adheres to Spryker’s standards.

Install the evaluator tool

  • Install the evaluator tool in your project by using the composer:
composer require --dev spryker-sdk/evaluator
  • Get general information about the tool and see all the commands related to evaluation in the evaluate section:
vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate -h

Run an evaluation

To evaluate your code, run the evaluator in one of the following ways:

  • Evaluate the code of all the modules:
vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate
  • Evaluate the code of a specific module:
vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --path=src/path_to_module

Execute checkers

Exclude checkers:

vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --exclude-checkers=CONTAINER_SET_FUNCTION_CHECKER

Execute a specific checker:

vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --checkers={CONTAINER_SET_FUNCTION_CHECKER}

CONTAINER_SET_FUNCTION_CHECKER is the name of the checker to execute.


Resolve upgradability issues

If the report contains upgradability issues, see Upgradability guidelines to resolve them.