Node Sass does not yet support your current environment

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You get the error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux Unsupported architecture (arm64) with Node.js.


Replace x86 based Sass with an ARM based one:

  1. In package.json, remove node-sass dependencies.
  2. Add sass and sass-loader dependencies.
"sass": "~1.32.13",
"sass-loader": "~10.2.0",
  1. Update @spryker/oryx-for-zed:
"@spryker/oryx-for-zed": "~2.11.5",
  1. In frontend/configs/development.js, add configuration for saas-loader:
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
   implementation: require('sass'),
  1. Enter the Docker SDK CLI:
docker/sdk cli
  1. Update package-lock.json and install dependencies based on your package manager:
    • npm:
    npm install
    • yarn:
    yarn install
  2. Rebuild Yves:
npm run yves
  1. Rebuild Zed
npm run zed