Implementing graceful shutdown

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When a running process is stopped by, for example, signals like SIGTERM and SIGINT, the process is stopped right away, no matter if it is completed or not. Sometimes, such behavior is not acceptable—for example, in the case of half imported data set.

To make sure that a process is shut down gracefully, use the GracefulRunner module and pass \Generator to its GracefulRunnerFacadeInterface::run() method. GracefulRunnerFacadeInterface::run() uses the signal handler to register a new handler with pcntl_signal, and wraps the passed \Generator. Until a signal is sent, the \Generator::next() method is executed to make sure that one step of your process is fully completed before the script shuts down.


public function import(Collection $collection): void

protected function createImportGenerator(Collection $collection): \Generator
    foreach ($collections as $collectionItem) {
        yield; // Turns this method into a `\Generator`

        // Code that needs to completely run before script is shutdown.
        // The GracefulRunner takes care of execution and will stop
        // after an iteration was completed when a signal was received.

Handle exceptions

To throw an exception into the Generator code, you can use the second argument of the GracefulRunnerFacadeInterface::run() method. It’s the class name that must be thrown into the Generator when a signal is handled. The following example explains it in more detail:

public function import(Collection $collection): void
        $this->createImportGenerator($collection, YourException::class)

protected function createImportGenerator(Collection $collection): \Generator
    foreach ($collections as $collectionItem) {
        yield; // Turns this method into a `\Generator`

        try {
            // Code that needs to run completely before the script is shut down.
            // The GracefulRunner takes care of the execution and will stop
            // after an iteration was completed when a signal was received.
        } catch (YourException $exception) {
            // When a signal is handled you end up here.