Oryx application environment

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AppEnvironment represents environment variables that are used in an Oryx application. It’s a typesafe global object that can be extended wherever an environment variable is needed for a feature to work properly.

To pass an actual environment object, use the AppBuilder.withEnvironment() API and the method of accessing environment variables specific to your build:

import { appBuilder } from '@spryker-oryx/core';

appBuilder().withEnvironment(import.meta.env); // or process.env in NodeJS style apps

When you are using environment variables directly, like import.meta.env, they may end up in your application bundle. This may leak confidential information to public if your application is deployed to a public internet. So make sure you are filtering your environment variables in the build step. For example, by using envPrefix in Vite build config.

To declare a new environment variable, use the AppEnvironment global interface with your custom environment variable name and type:

declare global {
  interface AppEnvironment {
    readonly MY_VAR?: string;

Make sure to mark it as optional, as the Oryx framework does not guarantee that any environment variable will be present in the runtime. Also, in most cases, set string as a type for environment variables as most of the environments are exposed as strings and Oryx framework does not perform any typechecks or type conversions.

To access an environment variable, use the injectEnv API:

import { injectEnv } from '@spryker-oryx/core';

class MyService {
  constructor(myVar = injectEnv('MY_VAR', 'optional-fallback')) {}