Datasource Trigger

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Datasource Trigger is an Angular service in the components library that provides a flexible way to fetch data based on user-triggered events.

        type: 'trigger',
        event: 'change',
        datasource: {
            type: 'http',
            url: '/request-url',

The trigger element, being SelectComponent in the example, must implement a DatasourceTriggerElement abstract class (token) and return a component instance using the getTriggerElement() abstract method:

    providers: [
            provide: DatasourceTriggerElement,
            useExisting: SelectComponent,
export class SelectComponent implements DatasourceTriggerElement {
    getTriggerElement(): Observable<HTMLElement> {
        // This method must return an Observable of the component instance.

Main service

The main module lets you register any datasource.trigger by key using the withEvents() static method. It assigns the object of datasources to DatasourceEventTypesToken under the hood.

The resolve() method does the following:

  1. Gets the trigger element using the DatasourceTriggerElement abstract class (token).
  2. Locates a specific service from DatasourceEventTypesToken by an argument from config.event.
  3. Based on the data returned from a trigger element, returns an observable with data by Datasource.resolve().


Datasource trigger must implement a specific interface (DatasourceTriggerEvent) and be registered to the root module using DatasourceModule.withEvents().

// Module augmentation
import { DatasourceConfig } from '@spryker/datasource';

declare module '@spryker/datasource' {
    interface DatasourceRegistry {
        trigger: DatasourceTriggerService;

export interface CustomDatasourceTriggerConfig extends DatasourceTriggerConfig {

// Service implementation
    providedIn: 'root',
export class CustomDatasourceTriggerService implements DatasourceTriggerEvent {
        config: CustomDatasourceTriggerConfig,
        triggerElement: HTMLElement,
    ): Observable<Record<string, unknown>> {

    imports: [
            trigger: DatasourceTriggerService,
            custom: CustomDatasourceTriggerService,
export class RootModule {}

The context within which Datasources operate is defined by the local injector where it’s being used.


Interfaces and types for the Datasource Trigger configuration:

export interface DatasourceTriggerEventRegistry {}

export type DatasourceTriggerEventRegistryType = RegistryType<DatasourceTriggerEventRegistry>;

export type DatasourceTriggerEventDeclaration = RegistryDeclaration<DatasourceTriggerEventRegistry>;

export interface DatasourceTriggerConfig extends DatasourceConfig {
    event: DatasourceTriggerEventRegistryType | string;
    datasource: DatasourceConfig;
    debounce?: number;

export interface DatasourceTriggerEvent {
    subscribeToEvent(config, triggerElement): Observable<unknown>;

export abstract class DatasourceTriggerElement {
    abstract getTriggerElement(): Observable<HTMLElement>;

Available Datasources

The following common Datasources are available in the UI library as separate packages:

Change Allows for passing data along with the configuration of the Datasource using the change event.
Input Allows for passing data along with the configuration of the Datasource using the input event.