Value resolvers

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Spryker SDK has the following value resolvers.

Value Resolver name Description
APP_PHP_VERSION Resolves the PHP version (7.4, 8.0).
APP_TYPE Resolves a repository for creating a project.
B2BC_TYPE Resolves a repository for public b2b or b2c.
CONFIG_PATH (depricated) Resolves a relative path by priority: project path, then, by default, the sdk path if it exists.
FLAG Resolves flag options. This resolver has the boolean type.
NAMESPACE Used for the spryk tool to resolve namespaces for the tool. It is based on settings.
PC_SYSTEM Resolves the operating system like Linux, Mac, Mac (ARM).
PRIORITY_PATH Resolves the relative path for the tool entry point: project path, then, by default, the sdk path if it exists.
REPORT_DIR Resolves the report file path.
SDK_DIR Resolves the path to the sdk folder.
CORE Resolves the core level. This resolver is based on the resolved values of the NAMESPACE resolver.
STATIC This resolver is used as a universal value resolver with additional settings. It returns the formatted value.
ORIGIN This resolver is used as a universal value resolver with additional settings. It returns the original value.

Example of a placeholder with the STATIC value resolver and with the configuration:

  - name: "%shortcode_name%" # For replacing in command.
    value_resolver: STATIC # Value resolver name.
    optional: true # Can be optional or required.
    configuration: # Configuration for value resolver instance.
      option: "report" # The name for tool option if it's needed Example: --report=. Optional setting.
      alias: 'report' # The name for sdk option command to provide the value to the tool. Can be closed for coming. Optional setting.
      description: "Report Type format"
      type: string # Type of value. Support `string`, `int`, `boolean`, `array`.
      defaultValue: 'json' # The default value. Optional setting.