Test Glue Backend API

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This document describes how to set up and run Glue Backend API end-to-end (E2E) tests using the ModuleBackendApi module example and the Pyz project namespace. Adjust the module name according to your requirements.


  1. Install or update Spryker Testify to version 3.52.0 or higher:
  • Check the current installed version:
    composer info spryker/testify
  • Install Spryker Testify:
    composer require --dev spryker/testify:"^3.52.0"
  • Update Spryker Testify:
    composer update spryker/testify:"^3.52.0"
  1. To validate the response body against the OpenAPI schema, you need to generate the schema. For instructions, see Document Glue API Resources.

Configure the project and set up test files

  1. Add the required configuration to the project:



use Spryker\Shared\Testify\TestifyConstants;

if (class_exists(TestifyConstants::class)) {
    $sprykerGlueBackendHost = getenv('SPRYKER_GLUE_BACKEND_HOST');
    $sprykerGlueBackendPort = (int)(getenv('SPRYKER_GLUE_BACKEND_PORT')) ?: 443;

    $config[TestifyConstants::GLUE_BACKEND_API_DOMAIN] = sprintf(
        $sprykerGlueBackendPort !== 443 ? ':' . $sprykerGlueBackendPort : '',
  1. Create codeception.yml with the configuration required for your E2E test:
namespace: PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend

    tests: .
    data: _data
    support: _support
    output: _output

    enabled: true
    remote: false
    whitelist: { include: ['../../../../src/*'] }

        actor: ModuleBackendApiTester
                - \PyzTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\Environment
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\LocatorHelper:
                      projectNamespaces: ['Pyz']
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\Propel\Helper\ConnectionHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\DataCleanupHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\AuthenticationOauth\Helper\AuthenticationOauthHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Glue\Testify\Helper\GlueBackendApiJsonApiHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Glue\Testify\Helper\GlueBackendApiOpenApi3Helper
                - \SprykerTest\Glue\Testify\Helper\JsonPath
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\DependencyHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Service\Container\Helper\ContainerHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\Store\Helper\StoreDependencyHelper
                - \SprykerTest\Shared\User\Helper\UserDataHelper
                    depends: PhpBrowser
                    part: Json
                    cleanup: false
  1. Build Codeception:
docker/sdk testing codecept build -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/ModuleBackend
  1. Adjust the generated actor class so it extends \SprykerTest\Glue\Testify\Tester\BackendApiEndToEndTester:



namespace PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend;

use SprykerTest\Glue\Testify\Tester\BackendApiEndToEndTester;

 * Inherited Methods
 * @method void wantToTest($text)
 * @method void wantTo($text)
 * @method void execute($callable)
 * @method void expectTo($prediction)
 * @method void expect($prediction)
 * @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
 * @method void am($role)
 * @method void lookForwardTo($achieveValue)
 * @method void comment($description)
 * @method void pause()
class ModuleBackendApiTester extends BackendApiEndToEndTester
    use _generated\ModuleBackendApiTesterActions;

  1. To create fixtures, introduce the fixtures class which generates the data required for tests:

namespace PyzTest\Bapi\ModuleBackend\JsonApi\Fixtures;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\UserTransfer;
use PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester;
use SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Fixtures\FixturesBuilderInterface;
use SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Fixtures\FixturesContainerInterface;

 * Auto-generated group annotations
 * @group PyzTest
 * @group Glue
 * @group ModuleBackend
 * @group JsonApi
 * @group ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures
 * Add your own group annotations below this line
 * @group EndToEnd
class ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures implements FixturesBuilderInterface, FixturesContainerInterface
     * @var string
    protected const TEST_USER_NAME = 'UserModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures';

     * @var string
    protected const TEST_USER_PASSWORD = 'change123';

     * @var \Generated\Shared\Transfer\UserTransfer
    protected UserTransfer $userTransfer;

     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\UserTransfer
    public function getUserTransfer(): UserTransfer
        return $this->userTransfer;

     * @param \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester $I
     * @return \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Fixtures\FixturesContainerInterface
    public function buildFixtures(ModuleBackendApiTester $I): FixturesContainerInterface

        return $this;

     * @param \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester $I
     * @return void
    protected function createUser(ModuleBackendApiTester $I): void
        $this->userTransfer = $I->haveUser([
            UserTransfer::PASSWORD => static::TEST_USER_PASSWORD,
            UserTransfer::USERNAME => static::TEST_USER_NAME,

        // Override encrypted password with plain password for further testing purposes.
  1. Generate fixtures:
docker/sdk testing codecept fixtures
  1. Create the test cest file:

namespace PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\JsonApi;

use Codeception\Util\HttpCode;
use Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\ModuleRestApiConfig;
use PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester;

 * Auto-generated group annotations
 * @group PyzTest
 * @group Glue
 * @group ModuleBackend
 * @group JsonApi
 * @group ModuleBackendJsonApiCest
 * Add your own group annotations below this line
 * @group EndToEnd
class ModuleBackendJsonApiCest
     * @var \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\RestApi\ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures
    protected ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures $fixtures;

     * @param \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester $I
     * @return void
    public function loadFixtures(ModuleBackendApiTester $I): void
        /** @var \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\JsonApi\ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures $fixtures */
        $fixtures = $I->loadFixtures(ModuleBackendJsonApiFixtures::class);
        $this->fixtures = $fixtures;

     * @depends loadFixtures
     * @param \PyzTest\Glue\ModuleBackend\ModuleBackendApiTester $I
     * @return void
    public function requestGetModule(ModuleBackendApiTester $I): void
        // Arrange
        $oauthResponseTransfer = $I->havePasswordAuthorizationToBackendApi($this->fixtures->getUserTransfer());

        // Act

        // Assert

Run the test

Execute the test:

docker/sdk testing codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/ModuleBackend

Once the testing process is complete, the result of each test is reutrned.