Execute tests

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There are many ways to execute the tests. You can do a full run of all tests, or you can narrow it down to only execute a specific test method.

Executing all tests

To run all tests, use this command:

vendor/bin/codecept run

Executing tests by group

At Spryker, all our test classes have a DocBlock containing @group annotations.


 * Auto-generated group annotations
 * @group SprykerTest
 * @group Zed
 * @group Acl
 * @group Business
 * @group AclTest
 * Add your own group annotations below this line

Basically, each part of the namespace is added as @group annotation. The groups are useful for tests, as you can run them for a specific group.

To execute a test for a group, run:

vendor/bin/codecept run -g {group}

where {group} is the name of your group.

For example, running

vendor/bin/codecept run -g Zed

will execute tests with the @group Zed annotation.

Executing a test suite

To execute a specific test suite, run:

vendor/bin/codecept run -c {test_suite}

where {test_suite} is the path to the test suite you want to run.

For example, running

vendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Zed/Acl

will execute only the tests for the Acl module of the Zed application.

Executing a single test class

To execute a specific test class, run:

vendor/bin/codecept run -c {test_suite} -g {test_class}

where {test_suite} is the path to the test suite and {test_class} is the test class you want to run.

For example, running

vendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Zed/Acl -g RoleControllerCest

will only execute RoleControllerCest from the Acl module of the Zed application.