Zed API project implementation

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Zed API, initially released as a beta version, is now considered outdated and is no longer being developed. Instead of it, we recommend using Glue Backend API.

For the API and the API bundles to get activated we need to configure our own service provider stack in the Zed ApplicationDependencyProvider class:

     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Silex\ServiceProviderInterface[]
    protected function getApiServiceProviders(Container $container)
        $providers = [
            // Add Security/CORS service providers
            // Add Auth service providers

            new RequestServiceProvider(),
            new SslServiceProvider(),
            new ServiceControllerServiceProvider(),
            new RoutingServiceProvider(),
            new ApiRoutingServiceProvider(),
            new PropelServiceProvider(),

        if (Environment::isDevelopment()) {
            $providers[] = new WhoopsErrorHandlerServiceProvider();

        return $providers;

     * @return \Spryker\Zed\Api\Communication\Plugin\ApiServiceProviderPlugin
    protected function getApiServiceProvider()
        $controllerListener = new ApiControllerListenerPlugin();
        $serviceProvider = new ApiServiceProviderPlugin();

        return $serviceProvider;

In the ZedBootstrap class we activate this service provider stack based on the URI:

     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD)
     * @return void
    protected function setUp()
        if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ApiConfig::ROUTE_PREFIX_API_REST) === 0) {


     * @return void
    protected function registerApiServiceProviders()
        foreach ($this->getApiServiceProvider() as $provider) {

     * @return \Silex\ServiceProviderInterface[]
    protected function getApiServiceProvider()
        return $this->getProvidedDependency(ApplicationDependencyProvider::SERVICE_PROVIDER_API);

As an alternative you can have your own rest.php PHP entry point and configure your server/container nginx to route into a different ZedBootstrap setup.

This own stack uses the minimal service providers needed exclusively to run the API.

Steps for installation when migrating an older demoshop version:

Update spryker/propel-query-builder to ^0.2.0.