Configure database connections

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Spryker provides flexible database connection configuration.

Configure a single database connection

The most probable use case and the Zed DB connection are good examples.

For this, open the environment config file (for example, APP_DIR/config/Shared/config_default-development_DE.php) and add the following parameters:

$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_USERNAME] = 'username';
$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_PASSWORD] = 'password';
$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_DATABASE] = 'database';
$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_HOST] = '';
$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_PORT] = 3306;
$config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_ENGINE] = $config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL];

By default, Spryker provides configuration for a single connection: two Zed and default, but with the same configuration. The configuration that you can find in APP_DIR/config/Shared/config_propel.php can look like the following:

$engine = $config[PropelConstants::ZED_DB_ENGINE];
$config[PropelConstants::PROPEL]['database']['connections']['default'] = $connections[$engine];
$config[PropelConstants::PROPEL]['database']['connections']['zed'] = $connections[$engine];

Configure multiple database connections

Custom case which lets a project have more than one connections to different DBs. To define a new connection find a Propel configuration APP_DIR/config/Shared/config_propel.php and add the following (an example for Postgres):

$config[PropelConstants::PROPEL]['database']['connections']['additional_db_connection'] = [
'adapter' => PropelConfig::DB_ENGINE_PGSQL,
'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=;port=5432;dbname=additional_db',
'user' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'settings' => [],

When a new connection is available, you can use it in your schema file.