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In Spryker, an entity represents one entry from a table in the database. Entities are an implementation of the Active record design pattern, so their usage is very simple. For more details, see Propel’s Active Record Reference.

Spryker’s entities are called Active Record classes or just Models there.

$customer = new SpyCustomer();

Saving Entities With Transactions

In general, Propel performs every save operation in a transaction. Sometimes, you want to save things together—for example, when you save customers and order items during the checkout. For this, you can use Propel’s connection.

 $connection = Propel::getConnection();


Entity Usage

Usually, entities are used in the module’s Business layer to persist data. In contrast to most other classes in Spryker, entities are never injected because they have a state. Another way to retrieve entities is to use a query from the query container.

You might use the following definitions to generate the related code:

  • vendor/bin/console spryk:run AddZedPersistencePropelAbstractEntity: Add Zed Persistence Propel Abstract Entity

For details, see Spryks.