Upgrade the Availability module

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Upgrading from version 8.* to version 9.0.0

In this new version of the Availability module, we have added support of decimal stock. You can find more details about the changes on the Availability release page.

This release is a part of the Decimal Stock concept migration. When you upgrade this module version, you should also update all other installed modules in your project to use the same concept as well as to avoid inconsistent behavior. For more information, see Decimal Stock Migration Concept.

Estimated migration time: 5 min

To upgrade to the new version of the module, do the following:

  1. Upgrade the Availability module to the new version:
composer require spryker/availability: "^9.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Update the database entity schema for each store in the system:
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console propel:schema:copy
APPLICATION_STORE=US console propel:schema:copy
  1. Run the database migration:
console propel:install
console transfer:generate
  1. Add the following plugin to the project dependency provider, if applicable:



namespace Pyz\Zed\Cart;

use Spryker\Zed\AvailabilityCartConnector\Communication\Plugin\CheckAvailabilityPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\Cart\CartDependencyProvider as SprykerCartDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container;

class CartDependencyProvider extends SprykerCartDependencyProvider

     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Zed\CartExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CartPreCheckPluginInterface[]
    protected function getCartPreCheckPlugins(Container $container)
        return [
            new CheckAvailabilityPlugin(),

Upgrading from version 6.* to version 8.0.0

In order to dismantle the Horizontal Barrier and enable partial module updates on projects, Technical Release took place. Public API of source and target major versions are equal. No migration efforts are required. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Upgrading from version 5.* to version 6.*

In Availability module version 6 we have added support for multi-store. The Back Office has undergone some changes to allow selecting stores and update database tables to store relations to store.

To upgrade, run the database migrations:

           ALTER TABLE "spy_availability"
               ADD "fk_store" INTEGER;

           ALTER TABLE "spy_availability" ADD CONSTRAINT "spy_availability-fk_store"
              FOREIGN KEY ("fk_store")
              REFERENCES "spy_store" ("id_store");

           ALTER TABLE "spy_availability_abstract"
              ADD "fk_store" INTEGER;

           ALTER TABLE "spy_availability_abstract" ADD CONSTRAINT "spy_availability_abstract-fk_store"
             FOREIGN KEY ("fk_store")
             REFERENCES "spy_store" ("id_store");


  • Run vendor/bin/console propel:model:build - this will update models.
  • Run vendor/bin/console transfer:generate - this will create new transfer objects.

We have changed the public API for methods in: \Spryker\Zed\Availability\Business\AvailabilityFacade::findProductAbstractAvailability received a third argument for idStore.

We have also changed the way data is collected by collector, now it has to filter data by current store.

Change: \Pyz\Zed\Collector\Business\Storage\AvailabilityCollector:

$productConcreteAvailability = SpyAvailabilityQuery::create()
            ->filterByFkStore($this->getCurrentStore()->getIdStore()) //note the new filter by method.

Change: \Pyz\Zed\Collector\Persistence\Storage\Propel\AvailabilityCollectorQuery to collect only current store availability:


Upgrading from version 3.* to version 4.*

All Availability UI has been moved to AvailabilitGui module, mostly Communication or Persistence were changed. If you have overwritten any of moved classes from those layers please change base class namespace from Availability to AvailabilityGui root.

Upgrading from version 2.* to version 3.*

With the Availability version 3, we have changed the way availability is calculated. Two new tables have been added:

CREATE TABLE "spy_availability_abstract"
    "id_availability_abstract" INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "abstract_sku" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "quantity" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("id_availability_abstract"),
    CONSTRAINT "spy_availability_abstract-sku" UNIQUE ("abstract_sku")

CREATE SEQUENCE "spy_availability_pk_seq";

CREATE TABLE "spy_availability"
    "id_availability" INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "fk_availability_abstract" INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "sku" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "quantity" INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "is_never_out_of_stock" BOOLEAN DEFAULT \'f\',
    PRIMARY KEY ("id_availability"),
    CONSTRAINT "spy_availability-sku" UNIQUE ("sku")

ALTER TABLE "spy_availability" ADD CONSTRAINT "spy_availability-fk_spy_availability_abstract"
    FOREIGN KEY ("fk_availability_abstract")
    REFERENCES "spy_availability_abstract" ("id_availability_abstract");

As this involves more than the Availability module, to start using it some configuration needed per module basis.

Oms version >= 4 is required. See the Migration Guide - OMS to version 4 step by step guide how to migrate OMS to have the new Availability module integrated.

Cart > 2.1 and AvailabilityCartConnector > 2.0. To have cart availability per check, add a new plugin Spryker\Zed\AvailabilityCartConnector\Communication\Plugin\CheckAvailabilityPlugin to the Cart project dependency provider. Pyz\Zed\Cart\CartDependencyProvider::getCartPreCheckPlugins() which is a core implementation of the cart availability check. A new availability collector is required. Take it from demoshop, Pyz\Zed\Collector\Business\Storage\AvailabilityCollector, this has to be added to the Pyz\Zed\Collector\CollectorDependencyProvider storage plugin stack.