Upgrade the CmsBlock modudle

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Upgrading from version 2.* to version 3.*

CmsBlock version 3.0.0 introduces the following backward incompatible changes:

  • Introduced the spy_cms_block.spy_cms_block-key unique index.
  • Adjusted CmsBlockWriter to use CmsBlockKeyProvider that persists the key field while writing a content entity.
  • Removed CmsBlockClient. Use the CmsBlockStorageClient module instead.
  • Removed the deprecated columns in spy_cms_block: type, fk_page, value. If you use them directly, make sure to add their definition on the project level to src/Pyz/Zed/CmsBlock/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_cms_block.schema.xml.
  • Removed CmsBlockConstants::YVES_THEME. Use CmsBlockConfig::getThemeName() instead.
  • Moved CmsBlockPlaceholderTwigPlugin to the SprykerShop\CmsBlockWidget module.

To upgrade to the new version of the module, do the following:

  1. Upgrade the CmsBlock module to version 3.0.0:
composer require spryker/cms-block:"^3.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Re-generate transfer objects:
console transfer:generate
  1. If there are:

    1. no preexisting blocks in the database, run the database migration:
    console propel:install
    1. If there are preexisting blocks in the database, follow the further steps to migrate the block data.
  2. On the project level in src/Pyz/Zed/CmsBlock/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_cms_block.schema.xml, update the key column property from required to false for data migration:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<database xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="zed"

    <table name="spy_cms_block" phpName="SpyCmsBlock">
        <column name="key" required="false" type="VARCHAR" size="255" description="Identifier for existing entities. It should never be changed."/>

  1. Run the database migration:
console propel:install
  1. Create the cms-block:generate-keys command in src/Pyz/Zed/CmsBlock/Communication/Console/CmsBlockKeyGeneratorConsoleCommand.php:



 * Copyright © 2016-present Spryker Systems GmbH. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this software requires acceptance of the Evaluation License Agreement. See LICENSE file.

namespace Pyz\Zed\CmsBlock\Communication\Console;

use Orm\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\Map\SpyCmsBlockTableMap;
use Orm\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\SpyCmsBlockQuery;
use Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Business\KeyProvider\CmsBlockKeyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Business\KeyProvider\CmsBlockKeyProviderInterface;
use Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\CmsBlockRepository;
use Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\CmsBlockRepositoryInterface;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Console\Console;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class ContentItemKeyGeneratorConsoleCommand extends Console
    protected const COMMAND_NAME = 'cms-block:generate-keys';
    protected const LIMIT_CMS_BLOCKS = 1000;

    protected function configure(): void
        $this->setDescription('CmsBlock key generator');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $offset = 0;
        $cmsBlocks = $this->findCmsBlocks($offset);

        while($cmsBlocks->count()) {

            foreach ($cmsBlocks as $cmsBlock) {

            $offset += static::LIMIT_CONTENT_ITEMS;
            $cmsBlocks = $this->findCmsBlocks($offset);

    protected function findCmsBlocks($offset): array
        $clause = SpyCmsBlockTableMap::COL_KEY . " = '' OR " . SpyCmsBlockTableMap::COL_KEY . " IS NULL";

        return (new SpyCmsBlockQuery())

    protected function createCmsBlockKeyProvider(): CmsBlockKeyProviderInterface
        return new CmsBlockKeyProvider(

    protected function createCmsBlockRepository(): CmsBlockRepositoryInterface
        return new CmsBlockRepository();
  1. Run the command:
console cms-block:generate-keys
  1. Revert the previous changes to the file spy_cms_block.schema.xml by restoring the required value of key to true:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<database xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="zed"

    <table name="spy_cms_block" phpName="SpyCmsBlock">
        <column name="key" required="true" type="VARCHAR" size="255" description="Identifier for existing entities. It should never be changed."/>

  1. Run the database migration:
console propel:install

Upgrading from version 1.* to version 2.*

This version allows saving CMS Block-Store relation.

  1. Update the spryker/cms-block module to at least Version 2.0.0.
  2. Update your spryker/cms-block-collector module to at least Version 2.0.0. See Migration Guide - CMS Collector for more details.

Custom CMS Block Collector

If you have a custom CMS Block Collector, make sure that it collects CMS Blocks only when the related CMS Block has an entity in the spy_cms_block_store table for the desired store.

  1. Run vendor/bin/console transfer:generate to update and generate transfer object changes.

Transfer object changes

CmsBlock transfer object has now a StoreRelation property which allows you to retrieve/define the stores assigned to the current CMS Block.

  1. Install the database changes by running vendor/bin/console propel:diff. Propel should generate a migration file with the changes.

  2. Apply the database changes: vendor/bin/console propel:migrate

  3. Generate and update ORM models: vendor/bin/console propel:model:build

  4. You will find some new classes in your project under the \Orm\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence namespace. It’s important to make sure that they extend the base classes from the Spryker core, for example:

    • \Orm\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\SpyCmsBlockStore extends \Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyCmsBlockStore
    • \Orm\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\SpyCmsBlockStoreQuery extends \Spryker\Zed\CmsBlock\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyCmsBlockStoreQuery
  5. The newly created spy_cms_block_store table defines 1 row per CMS Block-store association. Populate this table according to your requirements.


You have the following CMS Blocks: Block_1, Block_2, and stores: AT, DE, US.

The spy_cms_block_store can have a configuration like this:

Block_1 AT
Block_1 DE
Block_1 US
Block_2 AT

This example defines “Block_1” to be enabled in all of your stores, but restricts “Block_2” to AT store only.


Even if you have 1 store, the associations between CMS Blocks and stores have to be defined.

Example migration query

To populate the new spy_cms_block_store table to have all CMS Blocks in all stores as an initial configuration, run the following query:

INSERT INTO spy_cms_block_store (id_cms_block_store, fk_cms_block, fk_store)
  SELECT nextval('id_cms_block_store_pk_seq'), id_cms_block, id_store FROM spy_cms_block, spy_store;

INSERT INTO spy_cms_block_store (fk_cms_block, fk_store)
  SELECT id_cms_block, id_store FROM spy_cms_block, spy_store;    
  1. Additionally, the following internal classes/methods have changed. Take a look if you have customized them:
  • CmsBlockGlossaryManager::getCmsBlockEntity()
  • CmsBlockReader::findCmsBlockById()
  • CmsBlockQueryContainer::queryCmsBlockByIdWithTemplateWithGlossary()
  • CmsBlockMapper
  • CmsBlockWriter

You can find more details for these changes on CMS Block module release page.

CMS Block is ready to be used in multi-store environment. Additionally you might want to update the spryker/cms-block-gui Administration Interface to manage CMS Blocks and their store configuration. You can find further information about multi-store CMS Blocks here, and Zed Admin UI module migration guide in Migration Guide - CMS Block GUI.