Add and edit MIME types

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This document describes how to define what files types can be uploaded to a shop.


To manage MIME types, go to Administration > MIME Type Settings.

Add a MIME type

  1. On the MIME Type Setting page, click Add MIME type.
  2. On the Add MIME type page, enter a MIME TYPE.
  3. Optional: Enter a COMMENT.
  4. Select IS ALLOWED to allow this file type to be uploaded.
  5. Click Save. This opens the MIME Type Setting page with a success message displayed. The MIME type you just added is displayed in the list.

Edit a MIME type

  1. On the MIME Type Setting page, next to the MIME type you want to edit, click Edit.
  2. On the Edit MIME type page, make your changes.
  3. Optional: Enter a COMMENT.
  4. To allow uploading of this file type, select IS ALLOWED.
  5. Click Save. This opens the MIME Type Setting page with a success message displayed. The changes are reflected in the list.

Reference information: MIME TYPE

The MIME Type Settings submenu lets a Back Office user define the file types that can be uploaded to the Back Office based on their nature and format.

If no MIME types are defined, files of any type can be uploaded. If you add at least one MIME type, only files with the MIME types checked in the Is Allowed column are allowed to be uploaded to the Back Office.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type is a standard that describes the contents of the files. MIME type indicates how a browser will process a document. For example, if the MIME type is set as image/jpeg, then the browser opens it with an image viewer program.

A MIME type consists of a type and a subtype divided by a slash: type/subtype. The type represents the general category to which the data type belongs, like video or text. The subtype represents an exact kind of data of the specified type. For example, image/png.

Reference information: COMMENT

Optionally, the user can add any information about a MIME type.

Reference information: IS ALLOWED

Defines whether files with a specific MIME type can be uploaded. This setting is used for effective management of MIME types. You can add different MIME types and enable or disable them as needed. This is more efficient than adding or deleting MIME types when you need to change MIME type settings.