Handling upgrade warnings

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To ensure successful upgrades, Spryker Code Upgrader evaluates your project before creating a PR. If there is anything that might affect the upgrade process, the PR will contain a warning. The Upgrader’s warning system focuses on preventing upgrade-related issues. We recommend implementing your own CI system with tests and running it before you merge PRs.

The following table explains each warning type and how to address it.

Major code release Notifies your about a major release you need to install manually to integrate BC breaks.
Broken PHP files Identifies broken PHP files in the code using Phpstan. To resolve the issue, fix the identified broken files.
Class conflict Conflict between a project class that extends a private class in a Spryker module and the changes introduced in the latest release. To resolve the conflict, rewrite the custom class with the necessary changes.
Module name conflict Name of a project module matches the name of a Spryker module.
Release integration Resolve the issue using the information in the warning.
Upgrader-related Resolve the issue using the information in the warning.