Using the Support Portal

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This document describes how to use the support portal to create and manage your cases.


You already have a customer login provisioned for you. If you do not have an account yet, request one using this form. You can log in to the support portal by using the login button on the top right.

Create new cases

To create new cases, you can use the Create a case drop-down menu and select the respective case type, or click on the case type on the landing page. When creating cases, make use of the recommendations explained in Share secrets with the Spryker Support Team.


Requests can be questions or change requests that we do not yet offer as categories in Hosting Change Requests.


Problems can be reports suspecting a bug or issues with our hosting. Please make sure that you follow this guide to include everything we need to get working on your case right away.


Emergencies are reserved for problems that have significant business impact now or very soon. Emergency cases regularly start an escalation. Please do not use this case type to simply try to speed up requests or problem reports. Emergencies need to be associated with significant risk or business impact, like revenue, security, or go-lives.

Platform change requests

Plan your change requests and use the right request form

Due to verification processes and role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms, change requests take some time to process. While Spryker is working towards providing self service options for many change request types, ensure to ask for changes by using the correct case types.

These requests are automatically forwarded to our DevOps team. Therefore, make sure that you provide all the information that we ask for in the forms so that the team can get things done without having to ask for further information. If you do not find a Change Request type for your request, use a Request case type to contact us.


Allow 3-5 days of processing time for change requests. If you need changes done at a certain date, include that information in the change request description.

Also, only customers (through the support portal) can request new environments or access to environment monitoring. For contractual reasons, partners can’t request these items.

Manage cases

Clicking on Our Cases brings you to a list view of all cases that you have opened with us. To take a look at the details of a particular case, click on the case number and it opens the detail page of that particular case. Here you can perform actions like asking for the revision of assigned priority, taking a look at the communication history, and viewing the current status of the case and any Jira Ticket that might be associated with the case.